Monday, May 31, 2010

No Medal for Team Same Same

At the Gig Harbor Street Scramble, team Same Same finished in fifth place and left without a medal.  Fatigue and miscommunication towards the end of the race caused us to leave 30 points on the table which would have put us in third place.  The course was hilly which made for some fantastic views, but sapped my energy about two hours in.  At least the rain held off even if the sun refused to come out.  The Seattle Night and Day Challenge is up next July 24-25.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Weekend of K's

I am not a big runner in general, but I do try to participate in a 5K each month in addition to my recent addiction to street scrambles and orienteering. This weekend the stars aligned and I ended up participating in a 10K on Saturday and a 5K on Sunday.

Saturday's race was a nice gentle course around Lake Union. The morning was a bit chilly, but not too bad once you got going. Being my first 10K I did not have any expectations about my performance, but am pretty happy with my result. I came in around one hour, twenty-odd minutes with a combination of jogging and walking. A nice introduction to longer races.

Today's 5K was a different story. The Kilt Run was through Magnuson Park and it was 48 degrees with a strong wind off the lake at the start. Even though my legs were numb for the first mile, I managed to turn in a personal best at 31:39ish minutes. There was a beer garden waiting for me at the end so I had some encouragement to finish quickly. Tim was great enough to stand out in the cold and cheer me on.

Overall a very rewarding weekend.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Orienteering on Whidby Island

After a trial run at orienteering at Lincoln Park a few weeks ago, we had our first serious race today at Fort Ebey State Park. The race was a score-O so, like a street scramble, we had a list of controls to visit of various point values and had to decide how to maximize points and still get to the finish within two hours. The trails were steep, curvy, and sometimes through dense forest so it was a lot slower going than our urban scrambles. The course setter was a huge fan of placing controls at the bottom of "kettles" which are large depressions about 50-60 m deep. This meant for each control we achieved, we had to climb back up a hill in order to get to the next one. Tim is not so sure of our ending score, but I feel like we did pretty good. As soon as they are posted, I'll be sure to update with our results.

Groups: Score: Time:
Tiff Koehn 780 118:39
Robyn Rennie 630 118:52
Mic Swanson 600 116:40
Kari & Tim Dreyling 370 113:25
Lowell Schaffner 360 114:38
Dave Petty/Ken Lew 260 115:39
Chris Klemczyk 180 103:46