My first efforts are around trying to convince Expedia to hire me, but so far no luck. I used many of their websites during our sabbatical and have first hand knowledge about the challenges and quirks of arranging travel and accommodations around the globe so I know it's a product I can be passionate about. If anyone from Expedia reads this, I am an awesome Program Manager and would love to join your team!
While I am pestering Expedia I am also planning on obtaining my PMP certification which will hopefully help my prospects in general. The ultimate goal is to live and work in Europe so it is important to find opportunities here that support that goal or luck out and find someone in Europe who is willing to hire me directly and sponsor my immigration.
I have eight more days on the job until I'm on my own to figure all of this out. Wish me luck, think happy thoughts, and most importantly keep your ears open for me.